Laughter is Medicine ... But Why?

Author: Teague Luhr - Posted: March 4th, 2024.

Have you come across the age-old saying "laughter is the best medicine"? Chances are you have, and it's hard to deny the truth in it. But what makes this light-hearted saying so accurate?

Scientists have delved deep into this question for us, so that you don't have to. They discovered that when we laugh, our bodies release tiny endorphins, believed to be the root of this positive effect. Studies on humor and laughter have revealed that specific brain regions light up when we engage in laughter. Despite laughter being a natural human response, its impact on our mental, physical, and emotional well-being is profound. Interestingly, a single laugh triggered by a joke sparks significant brain activity. By finding something humorous, you give your brain a good workout. In less than half a second of amusement, an electric signal travels through your entire cerebral cortex, the brain's largest area.

During this journey, the electrical wave interacts with over five brain regions, including the left and right hemispheres, the frontal lobe, the occipital lobe, and motor areas. Who would have guessed that comprehending a joke involves such a complex process? Yet, every time we find something funny, our brains undergo this intricate process. This underscores why laughter is beneficial for brain and mental health. It boosts communication in the brain, enhances cognition, and promotes neuroplasticity (a fancy term for brain activity).

When we laugh, our bodies release endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones that reduce stress and enhance overall well-being. Furthermore, laughter is infectious and has a unique ability to bring people together, fostering unity and camaraderie. So, in times of stress or low spirits, remember to seek out moments of laughter and let its healing powers work their magic on you. Laughter truly stands as one of the finest remedies for the soul.

Here's some great dad-jokes to help you find a bit of medicine today:

  • Did you hear about the man who fell into an upholstery machine? He's fully recovered.
  • What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, they just waved.
  • Don't trust atoms. They make up everything!
  • What's an astronaut's favourite part of a computer? The space bar.
  • Two guys walked into a bar. The third guy ducked.
  • What did the zero say to the eight? That belt looks good on you.
  • Air used to be free at the gas station. Now it's $1.50. Do you know why? Inflation.

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